

Manaita Server Rules

These are the rules on the Manaita server.

<fc #ff0000>※This server isn’t survival/building server.</fc>

<fc #ff0000>Do not play anything other than leveling</fc>

Three Principles of the Quarry Mining

  • Level the ground neatly and carefully
  • Set the stone slab at the end of leveling
  • Remove used beacons

If you break any of the following rules or you are deemed insane by admin, you will receive a warning, kick, ban, or other punishment.
By connecting to the server, you are deemed to have understood all of the following rules, and we will not accept any appeals for reasons such as not having read the rules.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in making a better environment on the server.
Please note that the rules below may be modified, changed, or supplemented at any time to make them more fair and consistent.


  • Griefing
    • Randomly placing or destroying blocks for purposes other than leveling or maintenance
    • Place lava
    • Use of TNT or flint and steel
  • Use of not authorized commands
  • Spam chatting (including spamming of authorized commands)
  • Disturbing other players
  • Breach of blocks from below (except setting beacon or breaking the block left upper)
  • Use of hack clients
  • Use of Gritch
  • Not about Quarry Mining
    • Building (including temporary item storage)
      • Only beacon placement is allowed in areas end of leveling; and only beacon placement and creation of temporary item storage are allowed in ungraded areas
    • Make the Traptower or Spawner trap (Mob farm)
    • Make or use redstone circuit
    • Make the Block mass production equipment (like Stone generator)
  • Leave the items there (you should throw them away with /gomi or use StorageSign)
  • Make the Nether portal
  • Other actions deemed insane by admins

Permitted acts

  • Open pit mining
  • Use authorized commands(see System and Commands)
  • Chatting
  • Use StorageSign (see System and Commands)
  • Open the End portal
  • Recording videos, live broadcasts, posting videos, etc.

Mods that can be used/can’t be used

Mods that apply the following conditions may be used.

  • Mods that make Minecraft lighter
  • Mods that display a map (may know the location of other players)
  • Mods that allow you to organize your inventory
  • Mods that display item data and durability
  • Mods that display the types and stats of players, MOBs, etc.
  • Mods that record player actions
  • Mods that do not overload the server

Mods that apply any of the following conditions must not be used.

  • Mods that are generally referred to as cheat mods and do not meet the above “Mods that meet the following conditions may be used.
    • Mods that can change the player's movement from the default state, such as FlyMOD and SmartMoving
    • Mods that make it easier to find ores, such as Xray
      • Mods that change the click speed

* Mods that change the rate of shotting arrows

  • Mods to change attack range

Players who do not follow the rules will be banned or otherwise punished.

For first-join players

Examples of punishments

Mining from the center or bottom of an ungraded areas (BAN)

Breaking block roughly (Warning/BAN)

Partial or full destruction of beacons in ungraded areas (BAN)

Placing meaningless blocks (BAN)

Placing blocks in a leveled area (BAN)

Leaving blocks placed to climb up(BAN)

Leaving blocks enclosing leveled area (Warning/BAN)

All of Building(Warning/BAN)

Only beacon placement is allowed in areas end of leveling; and only beacon placement and creation of temporary item storage are allowed in ungraded areas

  • minecraft/manaita/rule-en.1662744991.txt.gz
  • 最終更新: 2022/09/09 17:36